Sunday, November 23, 2008

Need to clean...

I cleaned out our closet today and we can see the floor in it once again. Now I need to clean off the top shelves and make some room for clothes. Since we got rid of our old bed (which had 6 drawers under it) I now have to figure out what to do with the clothes that were there. So I am going to get rid of the stuff that we do not wear (I already have 2 bags ready to be donated) and am going to organize the stuff we do wear. I also need to deep clean everything in the house. Sierra is shedding for some reason and now I seem to have dog hair everywhere again, which means I need to vaccum pretty much every day.

I did go to Target today and got 2 presents for the twins and I only spent about $16.00 between the 2 of them. I have to get them each a birthday and christmas present and I get to do the same for Travis since all of their birthday's are in December. At least with the twins being little ( They will be 3 on 12/17) they don't expect big expensive gifts. Travis on the other hand (he will be 7 on 12/12) has asked me for a new skateboard and something called Teck Deck which I found out today are finger skateboards. I found some at Target and am hoping that they will be on sale on Friday. Yes I do go shopping on Black Friday. I always get great deals and have a lot of fun being up at 4 am, by noon though I am ready to go back to bed.

I have also decided that I want to bake some new stuff this year but I can't find any good cookie recipes. Does anyone know of something that would be good?

Time to end this post now so I can go to bed so I can get up early and get some cleaning done!! Maybe I will take some pictures of the house once it is done so everyone can see it before it becomes a disaster again.


Meghan said...

Tech Deck?!?! Ry and I were arguing about how lame they were last night. LOL

Finger skateboards.

I guess 7 year old will like it though

Elizabeth said...

The nerve of those kids having their birthdays in December! I just hope they don't get cheated as they get bigger with the old combo birthday/Christmas presents that some people who are too cheap to buy both do.