Friday, March 13, 2009


I was trying to do a post a day but when you don't ever go anywhere it's hard to come up with something to blog about. I am going to get a pedicure tonight. I have not gotten one in over a month and jeremy's mom is in town so we will be at her house for dinner and playing with the kids.

I have come to realize that daytime tv is boring. I have been watching way to much Wife Swap and Trading Spouses. They show repeats on CMT. I usually turn the tv on for background noise. I think next week I am going to limit the tv and listen to music. Maybe that way I will get more cleaning done. My goal is to get the house cleaned out before I finally get a job. I spend Monday mornings searching the newspaper and the EDD website looking for a job. They seem to never have any new positions. I also look agin on Wednesday's and Friday's. Somedays i wish that the easy button from Staples really worked and I could just push it and all would be ok.


Elizabeth said...

I love wife swap! I got hooked on that a few months ago. Trading spouses must be on cable cause I've never seen that, but if I had cable, I'd have to check that one out too.

Jim and Heather on Meerkat said...

What is daytime TV?
We have books...

My fingers are still crossed for you to find a job - good luck!!!