Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weird Weather

Yesterday morning we had some rain or really heavy misting fog, anyway the ground was all went so it could have been either one. Today they are calling for rain from later today through Thursday morning. Maybe even some scatter thunderstorms!! I am ready for the rain. I found my sweaters to wear to work so I don't freeze all day. I have a heavy blanket on my bed so I can stay warm all night. I didn't wash my car this weekend hoping that the rain will do it for me. Jeremy is off the next 2 nights so I don't have to worry about him driving around all night in the rain. The only problem we are going to have is the dog. She does not like the water and since it hasnt rained in a while she may not even remember what it is.

I am hoping this week to be able to pull out some of my halloween decorations. I am ready for fall and winter to get here!!! I was trying to dress Jeremy up as a Hooters girl for Halloween this year but it looks like he will be working that night so he won't be able to go Trick or Treating with us. I guess I will save the Hooters girl idea for next year.