Thursday, April 23, 2009

Top Gun....A tribute to my cousin Meghan...

I just read on my cousin Meghan's blog tht she just watched Top Gun for the first time EVER. First thing out of my mouth of course is "Where the hell have you been?" I have seen Top Gun so many times that I could probably repeat the whole thing!! Anyway I posted a comment on Meghan's blog about her not watching the movie before and agreed with my Aunt Heather that Rick Rossovich was the hottie in that movie and that my 2 favorite parts are when Maverick and Goose fly upside down over the mig and "give him the birdie" and when they are singing in the bar, a classic spot in the movie. Oh wait I also LOVE the volleyball scene!!! Half naked men playing valleyball, you can't get much better than that! Anyway I was going to tell her the story of Gretchen and I singing You've lost that lovin feeling on the comment but told her that I would post on my blog.

Back when Gretchen and I worked at Mann Theatres we worked with a girl named Heidi who we LOVED to torture. When she would work in the box office Gretchen and I would go in and say "She's lost that lovin feeling" and then we would break into song. It was greta Heidi hated it and would try to run away but we always had her cornered in the box office and she could not go anywhere. When Gretchen got married I ended my speech with "she's lost that lovin feeling" and then we played the song. Of course the people that were at the wedding that knew about this story started to laugh and those that didn't we had to explain it to.

So Meghan now that you have watched Top Gun, it may be time to introduce you to other great 80's movies. Anyone have any to suggest to her? I am going to go through my collection of movies and come up with a list, which I will post later.


Meghan said...

I have seen others... I just hadn't seen top gun...

gretchkin said...

Oh yeah she has lost the loving feeling! Should we go to Hot Dog Heads house & serenade her??? MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!

You should tell the shopping cart story.

Meghan said...

Shopping cart story?!?!? I am intrigued