Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Boggle and kids

Here is Travis with the Boggle cibe thing. He found his name in here twice! The best part is this is the NEW boggle that has all the blocks inside a covered area and you CAN NOT remove them and cheat. Can you spot his name twice?

Theresa had some interesting things happen while playing boggle also. She was playing with her brother and was telling him what words she found and she kept saying "tit" now I heard her saw it but thought I was hearing things and that she was really saying "tip" and then she spelled it out and I didn't know how to react. I finally told her dad to explain that word. Of course he being like Calvin's dad he tells her something about it being a slang word in England. Theresa looks up and says "I know that why I wrote it in english"!!! Where does a 6 year old come up with this stuff???


Anonymous said...

I see both travises- how funny! I used to love to play boggle, never thought that it would be a great learning to spell game for kids.

Elizabeth said...

that comment is from me btw, I forgot that I was signed in under my other email account