Monday, September 7, 2009

4th in the Nation

Did anyone else read the article I think it was on Friday that California is the 4th highest unemployement rate in the nation? Yep we are almost all the way to the top. Ventura County's unemployement rate is like 10.9% or some insane number like that. Once again the jobs that are listed say you must have expirence in one thing or another and of course I do not have the kind that they want. Even our Walmart is not hiring, not that i would work at that store, I refuse to shop there now. Last time I went I was ran over by shopping carts like 5 times by kids who were just running wild through the store with no parents watcching them. I would have loved to spank them just like the old guy who smacked some screaming kid at walmart because the mother was not dealing with it. I am sorry but it may seem wrong but that guy made me proud. I get tired when i am in a store and some kid is screaming because their parents won't buy them candy or whatever it is they want. Well thats what the parents get for giving in to kid and getting them something when the behave bad. Why would you reward a kid for bad behavior? I took Travis to the grocery store one day while I was watching him and he told me that he was not going in. I explained to him that we had to go in and get food for lunch. We went in and he was being a monster the whole time, once we got in line he decides to tell me that he wants gum and takes it off the rack. I told him no, he was not listening and I don't buy stuff for kids who do not listen. He put it bck and of course was mad at me for a little while but he got over it. Once we got out to the car I explained to him that when he acts like that I will not buy him stuff, if he had been good then maybe I would have picked up a special treat. Anyway yes I was glad the old guy at walmart tried to handle things with the kid, all though yes he may have gone about it the wrong way. I think I would have just said something to the parent, but then again some people just don't listen. Wow this post turned from job hunting to spanking to no special treats. Did anyone follow anything I said? I think maybe I need to get some sleep. Hopefully tomorrow will bring better prospects of a job.