Thursday, December 2, 2010

Picture of the day!

A few weeks ago Jeremy and I went down to Disneyland for the afternoon since it was raining and we had nothing else to do. Anyway on the drive down there we were on the 5 stuck in traffic when I looked over and saw this Los Angeles County Zombie Control car. I thought wait did that say what I thought it said. Of course I had to get a picture of it, this is the best one I was able to get. Who paints their car funky camoflague and puts Zombie Control on the window? Someone must have seen Zombieland once to many times! (which by the way if you like silly zombie movies, that is a must see at least one time movie)


Meghan said...

too funny... i TOTALLY saw this car when i was visiting... so weird.

Jennifer said...

You saw the same car??? How weird is that? Did you take any pictures of it?