Thursday, March 27, 2008

Work Update

As of Tuesday April 1st, I will be working from home!!! I am staying with the same company doing pretty much the same thing I do now, which is all emails and phone calls, the only new thing is I get to stay home to do it!!! I decided that I did not want to be without a job at this moment and I really did not want to go find a new one right now.


Meghan said...

Well in all honesty I didn't know I was coming down there until about an hour before I left. It was insane. I like David Archulettas voice... but I feel that his dad is the mastermind behind everything that he does. As far as his stage movements to the songs he sings... I've read some articles saying his dad is a complete stage father. I love David Cook, he is awesome. This week with his Billie Jean - sounded AWESOME! Hope all is well... ready to start working from home?