Monday, January 3, 2011

My favorite movies of 2010...Post inspired by my lovely cousin Laina!!

Thanks to Laina's fun post of her favorite movies of 2010, I decided to make my own here it is! Shrek 4 was a really funny movie. I love the first 3 and so we had to watch the 4th one. We actually saw it at the Santa Barbara drive in with a group of friends and had a really good time. I don't think this one was as funny as the first or second one but it was still a great movie.

Toy Story 3 was another drive in movie for us. We took our nephew Travis to see it at the drive in and it was his first time going to one. We sat in the back of the truck and ate popcorn and nachos and laughed through out this movie. My favorite line was when Barbie told Ken "Nice ascott"! It was to funny. I do have to say that the ending made me cry. We now own this movie (had to have it since we own the other 2) and its sad to say but we have not even opened it yet. If you loved the first 2 then you will like this one.

Grownups was a movie that we rented and then had to buy because we could not stop laughing in it. Whats more funny than a bunch of grown men acting like dorks? My favorite part (they even showed it in the commercials) is when they are at the waterpark and they pee in the pool and the water turns blue. It was really funny. If you have not seen it, you muct watch it.

Jeremy went to see The Sorcerer's Apprentice in the theater and I am not sure where I was that I didn't ger to go with him. He rented it for me a few weeks ago and I loved it so much that I watched it twice in a 24 hour time period. I love Fantasia and this movie is kind of like a live version of it. It was filmed very well and the special effects were great. We were able to use some of our Christmas money to buy it last week. Target had it on blu ray for $14.99!!

Hot Tub Time Machine was my favorite comedy movie of the year. The best part of this movie is when the black guy (can't remember his name) was trying to understand what was happening and so he asked a white girl what color Michael Jackson was and she said black. This movie had tons of 80's music and the clothing and hair was done so well that I felt like I was back in the 80's. It did have it's cheesey moments, but it made me laugh hysterically. A definate most see movie if you remember (and liked) the 80's.

Alice in Wonderland...who doesn't love Johnny Depp?? This movie was brillant (at least I thought it was) I was lucky enough to see if opening night at the Imax theater in 3D!! If you haven't seen it, you probably should rent it and watch it. If you love the Disney cartoon version then you should love this one too. Johnny Depp was terrific as The Mad Hatter and you could even see a little Captain Jack Sparrow come out in his performance. This was probably my absolute most favorite movie of the year.
Thanks Laina for this idea!!!
I am most looking forwarf to May 20 2011 so I can go see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Johnny Depp is back as Captain Jack Sparrow. It was orginally supposed to come out the day after my birthday so I was going to take the day off to see if but now that it is coming out on a Friday I will get tickets to see it that night and I won't have to miss any work!!


yui said...

Nice to meet you.
I'm always excited on your new story.