Friday, March 12, 2010

Ideas and movie reivew

I want to try to make some things to sell to make extra money, but I can't seem to come up with any good ideas. Does anyone have anything ideas for things that I can make that won't cost me a lot of money?

My mom mentioned in her blog that she watched 2012 and didn't seem to like it very much. Jeremy and I rented it the other night and I laughed through out most of it. Yes I know it's a disaster movie and is not supposed to be funny but it was so over the top with distruction and places falling into the ocean that I couldn't help but laugh. I am actually watching it again now before we have to take it back again tomorrow. I may have to buy this movie eventually.


Elizabeth said...

Yeah, didn't you just want that tsunami to hurry up and drown all those people already, and how convenient that the ex-wife's boyfriend gets smashed up in the cogs so that the hero and the ex-wife and the kids can all get back together again and re-populate the earth.
Actually we enjoyed watching the movie for the special effects, but the story lines are all too predictable.

Tuscany Hotel said...

nice post